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Backend Software Development Skills For Beginners

Nowadays, we almost do everything through the internet. Every part of our life has been impacted by the internet, from making reservations to having phone meetings with people electronically. Now, it serves as a one-stop resource for all knowledge and questions relating to coding, cooking, unwinding, entertainment, and much more.

Growing up with all these technological advancements, Web Development became more and more popular.

Web development is the most significant aspect of any website; it provides the functionality that makes a website look great and perform well on visitors' devices.

There are two main parts of web development:-

  • Frontend

  • Backend

In the front end, only the visuals and the designs are visible to the user. The backend is all the logic that makes things happen.

So, in this article, we will learn the ultimate skills required in backend software development.

What is Backend development?

Server-side development is another name for backend development. It is everything that visitors cannot see and consists of background processes that take place whenever a user interacts with a website.

A website's backend contains several servers, programs, and databases. Backend engineers provide code that enables browsers to communicate with databases and save data into databases, read data from databases, update databases with data, and remove databases with data.

Some Tools Backend Developers Use

Backend developers carry out these activities using various technologies, languages, and frameworks. They employ a range of server-side languages, including dot NET, PHP, Ruby, NodeJS, and Java, to accomplish all of this. To produce, read, update, or remove data and deliver it back to the client-side or front end of the program, they also employ technologies like MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle, and SQL servers.

Backend Development skills

You need to be knowledgeable about the following subjects if you want to work in backend software development:

  • Backend Programming Languages

  • Databases

  • Server

  • APIs

Let's know it in detail:

Backend Programming Languages

There are two types of backend programming languages:

1. Object Oriented (OOP):- In OOP, classes and objects are the basis for programming. It is employed to organize a program into straight, reusable chunks of code (referred to as classes), which are then applied to produce unique instances of objects. A class is an abstract blueprint that is used to create more specialized and tangible objects. Instances of a class are objects.

Object-oriented programming languages execute statements in a particular sequence. Python, Java, and.NET are a few of the well-known object-oriented backend programming languages. This whole process comes under the full stack development services.

2. Functional:- Functional programming is a programming pattern in which everything is bound in mathematical functions style. It is a mode of software development to create pure functions. A functional programming language does not use shared state or mutable data like an OOP language. They emphasize expressions and declarations rather than execution.

Some examples of functional languages include Haskell, Clojure, SQL, and R.


While dealing with a client, for every single website, we need a database. A database stores the data and site content in a way that makes it uncomplicated to recover, arrange, alter, and store details. Developers should have a deep understanding of various DBMS technologies.

There are two types of databases available in the market –

  • SQL

  • NoSQL

A SQL database is one where we can arrange the database in a table so that it can substantially link with each other. SQL databases work on queries and produce results based on them.

In the NoSQL database where, unlike SQL, there is no need to framework the data beforehand. NoSQL databases work effectively on JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) and XML (Extensible Markup Language).

Application Programming Interface (APIs)


An API is a communication tool for two computer programs.

A collection of guidelines and standards known as an API enables online communication between various customers, programs, or services. The server is the one that offers the API, and the client is the one who consumes it when two systems are communicating.

The server receives a request from the client or user and gives back a response based on the request using APIs.

The computer software can communicate through HTTP methods such as:

  • GET: used to retrieve a resource.

  • DELETE: used to delete a resource.

  • PUT: used to replace an existing resource.

  • POST: used to create a new resource.


Today's online applications all operate on servers, which are distant computers. The computer system that accepts requests for web-based files, such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, etc., and provides those files to the client is referred to as a "server" in the context of the internet.

As the most frequently used medium for delivering essential services, servers are never turned off. A backend developer must understand this aspect of the servers because of it. Apache, Nginx, IIS servers, and Microsoft IIS are a few examples of servers.

Final Thought

The internet is a continually changing environment. The web now houses everything we use and see daily. The need for backend developers is increasing along with the development of technology. Backend software development is an excellent option if you want to have a fascinating job.


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